Room 3

Thursday 29th October

Pasta is a dish that many of us take for granted. We pop into the store, pick up any old brand pasta and then use this to create our dishes. We then wonder why that dish was just ordinary. Well Room 3 have found out why. Room 3 has been learning how to create succulent, tender homemade pasta. This pasta makes the dish pop off the plate and dance in our mouths. The soft texture soaks up any delicious sauce that you add, in our case it was a kale pesto with broad beans. The vibrant green colour shines off the plate and screams yum!

Friday 16th October

The sun has been shining this termĀ and the children in Room 3 have been extremely looking forward toĀ their turn atĀ Garden to Table. Some of the children have even started to discuss the different meals they would like to cook with Sarah in the kitchen. On Wednesday, half of Room 3Ā settled well intoĀ their set tasks and worked as a team to makeĀ delicious beetroot fritters with a mint yoghurt. They also prepared a cabbage and mint coleslaw. Delicious!!
The other studentsĀ were busy in the garden learning how to correctly use a range of weather instruments. These included a thermometer, windmill, raingauge and a compass. If you get the opportunity, ask one of the students in Room 3 to explain how these weather instruments can be used.
What an exciting session they had and they cannot waitĀ untilĀ their next one in week 3.Ā Ā 

Heavenly vegetable tart

It was vegetable heaven for room 3 this week, who harvested carrots and salsify (another root vegetable) from the garden and planted broad breans.

They also celebrated the start of autumn by creating a delicious roasted vegetable tart with courgettes, eggplant and tomatoes. . A tart so good that Harshiv pronounced it “the heaven of food”.

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Celebrating Chinese New Year

Room 3 has been busy learning about Chinese New Year this term. We have learnt about some Chinese customs as well as how the new year is celebrated. What a lucky surprise it was when we arrived in the kitchen this week to discover that we were making steamed buns (yum!). These were seriously good and we had fun making them as well. In the garden we looked at how water evaporates at different speeds as well as how much moisture plants need to survive.

Room 3’s first week at Garden to Table

Excitement was in the air as Room 3 ventured off to Garden to Table for the first time this year. In the kitchen they created a fantastic seasonal salad, which the students said was the nicest they have ever had. In the garden they learnt about a seed’s nature cycle. In class we also looked at other cycles which occur in nature.

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25 thoughts on “Room 3

  1. The dumplings look delicious. I hope Room 3 enjoyed making and eating them. You can put so many different fillings in them!! Also with the hot and sunny weather, it would be interesting to know how much evaporation is taking place around different areas of the school. Good to know what Room 3 have been doing in Garden to Table.

  2. What a nice combination of vegetables to make into a tart. Roasting vegetables are always a delicious way to eat them at any time of the year. Well done Room 3.

  3. why am I the only kid to comment? our blog should be most popular!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(
    come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. In class we have been making a sour dough starter. Today Sarah will be making the bread for us, and we get to taste it! You should make it at home!

  5. I know i’m commenting in September , but I think all the comments are agreeable and G2T rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚ šŸ˜‰

  6. Hi Room 3,

    Wow! Amazing! We think you have done a really good job making all your yummy food! It looks delicious and we want to try it.
    Did you like making the food? Did it taste nice?
    We think Garden to Table is cool! We think we would like to try Garden to Table. We will be excited when we get to do it.

    From Room 15

  7. Hi Room 3,

    We checked out your blog and we wish that we could cook the yummy food that you are making at your school.

    From 6B

    1. Hi Room 6B- We loved to hear from you and glad that you liked the recipes. If you have any great recipes you would like to share with us please do.
      P.S. You have a great teacher in Miss Balle.

    2. Hi Miss Balle and 6B, thank you for looking at our Garden to Table blog. There has been some great cooking and tasting by our students at Edendale.

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